Yes, men too can mesmerize the opposite sex with their smiles. It is actually a lesser-known fact that women actually find men with beautiful smiles irresistible. It makes them appear pleasant and easy-going, and when they twist the edge of their lips a little, they also look sexy! Think about it, the moment you see someone smiling at you, don’t you naturally respond with a smile? Take this opportunity to compliment your man on his smile. Somehow, women only praise men for their manly roles and duties. Let’s mix the yin-and-yang a bit and make a conscious effort to acknowledge and cheer their not-so-appreciated features and characteristics. Thinking about how this might be a bit awkward? Don’t worry, we are here to make sure the compliment comes off as genuine! We will help you with suggestions that you can use to compliment your man’s smile at the right time with the right words. This will ensure he smiles even more. In fact, men love compliments, so knowing how to give the best compliments to a guy might just open doors for you that you previously presumed to be closed. Let’s get into it.

“The first time I made a comment on the smile of a boy, I didn’t do it to flirt with him or even draw much attention. I made a general statement, but to my surprise, he absolutely loved hearing about it. He told me it was the first time he heard such a compliment, which just sounded so absurd to me,” Elise, a reader from Connecticut, told us. Do you know what makes people smile? Compliments! Even more so if they were already smiling and you just pointed out what a gorgeous one they’ve got. but if you’re wondering “How to tell a guy he has a nice smile?” Know that coming up with beautiful smile compliments for men shouldn’t be all that difficult. You need to keep the following points in mind while complimenting men for their smiles:

Notice his smile and his face when he smiles deeply so that you can compliment him appropriatelyMake sure you are specific when complimenting his smile and describing the impact his smile has on youSincerity is appreciated when it comes to compliments about smiles. So do not exaggerate, but try and express how it adds to his personality in normal but loving terms.At times, try to compliment your man’s smile in front of other people to let him know how much his lovely smile lights up your dayAny kind of demeaning and backhanded praise regarding the smile should be avoided. Remember, fake praise on a genuine smile is the worst.Be direct, spontaneous, and simple when you are showering compliments on a guy. You will love the way he reacts to it.

A reader once told us that he had always been extremely conscious of his teeth as he had never had braces when younger. On top of that, he was a heavy smoker and caffeine drinker, and this had yellowed his teeth over time. He avoided smiling as he felt insecure about his teeth and did not think women would react positively to his smile. One day, he was out with a group of people and saw a heartwarming exchange between an old man and a stray dog and couldn’t help but grin from ear to ear. One of his female friends immediately said she loved the way his smile lit up his eyes and that he should smile more. He remembers this incident to date and always remembers her fondly. It left a lasting impact on him, which just goes to show that a little compliment like, “You have a beautiful smile” can go a long, long way. If you’re still confused about what you need to say, read on to find out.

15 Ways To Compliment A Man’s Smile – And Make Him Smile More

Compliments go such a long way really. They make our self-esteem shoot up and improve our mood by leaps and bounds and might even be a way to flirt with him. Ladies, if you are looking for ways in which smile related compliments can be used, then this article is for you. You’ll leave the man grinning broadly after you’ve dropped one of these lines. Here are the 15 best compliments on a man’s smile that you can use or even personalize based on the situation or your needs. You’re the best judge of which line will be the most effective with your man in question. Let’s get started on these beautiful smile compliments!

1. Your smile is a mix of happiness and confidence

His smile will reflect not only his friendly character but also his confident nature. An underachiever or a person who is always under stress will not smile a lot, right? So you can assume that a person who is happy is satisfied with where he is professionally or in his personal relationships and is hopeful about the future. In this fast-paced world that we live in, it is not easy for people to acknowledge their accomplishments and they are always comparing themselves with others. The best compliment for him is when you say, “I love the way you smile, because I can see your satisfaction with life behind it, and I feel the same!”

2. Your smile brightens my day

How to compliment your guy’s smile? You can let him know how his smiling face makes your day better. By conveying to him how reassuring and calming you find his smile at the end of a long day you are letting him know he is important in your life. Let your man know how his smile helps wash away all your worries, and how it reassures you that tomorrow is going to be a better day. To be the protector and provider of a family is hard-wired in men and you are letting him know how much you appreciate him handling responsibilities by expressing how much you need him. This is a very sweet and short compliment on smile.

3. Your smile can kill me (well, not literally)

Do guys like compliments on their smile? Trust us they love it. Make sure you look him directly in the eye when you compliment him like this. Eye contact will increase the impact of your delivery. To let him know how sensual his smile is, you could also use a subtle wink along with this. This is both adorable and sexy at the same time and will definitely make him blush. Go all out and see him going all out with this fantastic compliment about smiles.

4. Your smile has become my guiding light

When you having a bad day at work or feeling low due to personal conflict, your guy’s smile probably brings some positivity in your life and alleviates your stress immediately. It assures you that everything is going to be all right. This is a great compliment to give to a guy because it goes so much deeper than just a physical compliment. Text him a compliment for his smile. If he is not with you in person, let him know how thinking of him and his smile made you feel instantly better. You can even send him a smiling picture of yours along with this compliment.

5. Your smile boosts my confidence

There might be times when you are feeling low about yourself — you did not get that project or the boss was upset with you or perhaps a friend canceled the lunch plans you were looking forward to. Tell him that thinking about his smile made you feel better about yourself because it reminded you that he will love you even when you don’t love yourself. When you see him smile, compliments for guys such as these can make him puff his chest out with pride as well. His smile reinstates your faith in your capabilities and motivates you to take on challenges head-on. Let him know that when you see him next, you are also looking forward to his long warm hugs. What an amazing compliment about smiles!

6. My love for you grows more and more when I see you smile

This can be considered as one of the most romantic smile-related compliments one can give a man because it expresses your love for him in the best possible manner. To be honest, this can even be used as a smile compliment for girls as well since this compliment never fails to make a person feel special. It will make your guy realize that his smile has not let the attraction between the two of you want. If you want to know how to compliment someone’s smile, this is the way to go. A short compliment on smiles like this is truly wonderful.

7. Your eyes shine when you smile

Another way of complimenting his smile is by letting him know the wonders it does for his other facial features. If you follow this up with a little flirting with your eyes, you’ve got him going gaga over you already. Tell him that his smile makes his entire face light up, especially his eyes. He grins and this is enough to make you weak in your knees. Smile compliments don’t get any easier than this. If you want a one-word compliment for his smile, use stunning, mesmerizing, ethereal, and he will smile at you all the more. Most girls try and come up with long winding sentences of praise when they are trying to figure out how to compliment someone’s smile. They don’t know that short and simple does the trick better because it sounds genuine.

8. Looking at your lovely smiling face makes me smile

Looking for a compliment about smiles? This one will never disappoint. The reason why your guy always has a smiling face is that he knows you like it. His smiling face makes you smile as well and he finds your smiling face irresistible. What a happy merry-go-round! By complimenting him like this you are in fact confessing that you know he knows it makes you happy and that is adorable. Even if you imagine his smile, it is enough to bring a sweet smile to your face. It is the best smile compliment for a crush.

9. Your smile is deeply sensuous

During your intimate moments with your man, something like, “You have a beautiful smile,” may not cut it. His smile must be the thing that captures your heart at that moment, make sure you tell him that. So now, every time his smile is tempting you there is no harm in letting him know that you find his smile alluring and sensuous. A sensuous smile can make you want to kiss his lips more. Just go ahead and tell him that and compliment his smile. If you’re locked in his embrace when he smiles down at you, tell him how your heart starts going into a flurry and he would love this compliment for his smile.

10. Your smile is better than (insert someone’s name) smile

Compare the smile of your guy with either your favorite actor’s smile or the smile of someone popular to make him see that you love his smile is better than anyone else’s. This smile compliment will make him smile even more and is definitely one of the smile compliments for guys that will let him know how much you value him. It’ll flatter him more than he’ll care to admit, but you will secretly win his heart since it’s such a good romantic gesture for him. If you want to know how to compliment someone’s smile, exaggerate a little. It’s sweet to say that his smile is better than Bradley Cooper’s. Good ol’ fashioned comparison never fails to hit the mark.

11. When I think of you, your smile makes my world go round

Major “Awww” moment! This is one of the most heartfelt and beautiful smile compliments. If you’d ask us, we’d consider this a perfect smile compliment for girls as well as for guys. Anyone receiving this would blush a beetroot red instantly. It implies that life is so much better with the other person’s smile. You can drop this over text in the morning because it will make their day. And if we’re being honest, this compliment sounds like it could be the lyrics of a romantic song. Absolutely, totally, unequivocally adorable.

12. You just have to smile for me to melt

This is so deeply romantic, it just had to feature on our list of comments on the smile of a boy. This short compliment on his smile is ideal for intimate settings like dinner dates, or long drives at night. It carries an intensely personal note to it and should be given in private. The simple language and words make for a very subtle line. It will really take someone aback when the meaning of it sinks in. Precisely because of its thoughtful undertone, this is a splendid smile compliment for a crush.

13. Your smile keeps my blues away every single day!

How true is this?! Our worst days become better when a loved one smiles a loving smile. They keep the bad moods at bay with their cheery face. This is a very unique and poetic compliment about smiles that will never fail to impress. You can even make people fall for you. The light wording and amusing rhyme will make the receiver flash their dimples. Who wouldn’t like to know that they keep your sadness away by the mere muscle movement of their face? Go forth and conquer (hearts) with this short compliment on smiles.

14. Wish I could carry your smile in my pocket

This is a next-level compliment about smiles. You’re basically telling the person that their smile is so good, that you want to have it with you always. It’s an essential like mints or lip balm. Imagine if we could really do that; carry our beloved’s smiles in our jacket pockets! Ridiculously sweet and charmingly funny, this beautiful smile compliment can easily grab the trophy. I promise, no one is going to forget you after you have delivered this line!

15. Your smiles are blessings

This is practically a one-word compliment on smiles. And it takes the cake. And we ABSOLUTELY love it! Calling something a ‘blessing’ is a peak compliment because you’re taking it to the heavens. If someone were to pay it to me, I’d blush to no end. The compliment is an all-rounder because it conveys more and says less. It means your life has been enriched by the person’s smiles, and you would love to see more of them. I would recommend giving this compliment in person rather than text, because it’s just too beautiful. We hope these words to describe a marvelous smile can help fire up love in your relationship with your man. Use all these With all these smile compliments thoughtfully and specifically to make a good impact on your guy. You now know how to compliment someone’s smile. We have told you the best compliments for a man’s smile, which you can go ahead and text him, or better yet, deliver them in person!

15 Quick Compliments For A Man s Smile To Make Him Smile More - 3515 Quick Compliments For A Man s Smile To Make Him Smile More - 4715 Quick Compliments For A Man s Smile To Make Him Smile More - 8415 Quick Compliments For A Man s Smile To Make Him Smile More - 32