It could be your first date or your fifth, or maybe you have been texting all day and suddenly you find you have nothing to talk about. There is no bigger turn-off than dead air on a call or worse being asked “So, what else is up?” three times.  And now you are breaking into a sweat trying to think up some deep questions to keep it interesting. Now there is an old saying that women speak more than men. But studies suggest there is not much of a difference. Also, it is a tad bit unfair to make one person do all the talking. But, Don’t worry. We have your back. This article will arm you with a list of questions you must ask to know her better.

51 Interesting Questions To Ask A Girl To Know Her Better

There’s something magical about 3 am conversations. During these hours people seem a little less guarded. However, when you think you have nothing to talk about with your crush over text. but you don’t exactly want to say good night either it can become a little frustrating. Even otherwise, if you two are out and about and are running out of things to talk about — these questions to ask a girl to know her better will definitely save the day. Fair warning though. These questions, to get to know them better will save the day. Communication plays a major role in building a strong relationship. These 51 deep and meaningful questions are not only fun, but they also help develop a good rapport and keep the conversation flowing smoothly between two people as they try to get to know each other.

Funny Questions To Ask A Girl

These questions are meant to tickle the funny bone while simultaneously building a healthy relationship between the two people. Ask these kinds of questions on the first couple of dates to keep things lighthearted and interesting.

1. If you were stuck in an elevator and had to listen to a song on repeat, which one would it be?

Music can tell you a lot about a person and this is going to be one of her favourite songs. Your playlist says a lot about you. Knowing about her music taste will help you in getting to know her better. You will know what kind of music makes her happy.

2. What are the worst pick-up lines guys have used on you?

This fun question will give you a clear idea about the kind of guys she likes and the kind of guys who make her cringe. This will also add a touch of humor to the conversation. The worst pickup lines guys have used on her will help you get to know a girl better and even have a laugh or two.

3. I weirdly love the smell of petrol. What about you…any unusual smell you like?

Now, this is an uncanny question that you wouldn’t normally ask a person! But by giving her your own example, you’re putting her in a comfort zone where she is free to talk about any weird habits or likes she has. Only a girl who is completely comfortable around you will share weird info about herself with you over text.

4. If you had to invent your own dance move, what would it be?

This is a fun question that will get her creative juices flowing, especially if she’s into dancing. She will use her imagination to come up with either a terribly funny or a really graceful move. You could try out the move with her the next time you meet. This could be a cute couple thing.

5. What is the dumbest thing you’ve done in the past 24 hours?

This is a lighthearted question and also a great conversation starter!  A fun question, the answer to which could make you two laugh for hours. So, if you are really confused about what to say to her, throw this question in the mix and you will not regret it.

6. Pineapple on pizza or not?

This is honestly a question that takes a lot of guts to ask because you have to live with the answer. If you think this is one of the deal breakers or makers, go ahead and ask this question. If you both love or hate pineapple on pizza, it’s a match made in heaven. Needless to say, you can collectively hate on the other group of people and bond

7. What are three things that you always carry with you in your bag/wallet?

These may seem like mundane objects but believe us, there is a more profound meaning behind them. These are a few of the essential things she cannot leave her house without! If you want to get to know a girl, this is a great place to start. Certainly, one of the personal questions to ask your girlfriend. But also a very insightful one.

8. What is your recent weird obsession?

This is a random question to ask a girl but one that will make her think and think a lot. She will be a bit surprised by the kind of questions you ask her over text, but will also kind of enjoy them. These are questions no one would have asked her before and they might just intrigue her in a good way.

9. Were there any instances where you were misunderstood?

This is one of the deep questions you can ask a girl over text. These memories come with emotional baggage so be prepared to hear her out, console her and give her suggestions if she’s looking for them. However, it is important to note that this is a question that you should ask her only if she has opened up to you to at a certain level. Ensure that you have already been speaking to her for a considerable amount of time before asking her this. If this question is popped too early, it might be a relationship deal-breaker.

10. What is one TV series that you discovered on your own?

This is a cute question to ask your girlfriend. Netflix has some rare hidden gems. There could be some less popular TV series that she could have just discovered, that she likes a lot. This will tell you about her tastes in movies and TV shows. This is an important compatibility checker for you. An interesting way to find out if you are on the same page regarding your tastes in movies and series.

Random Question To Ask A Girl

Some of these questions are fun and some are downright weird. Aak these questions to your girlfriend through text or on dates to keep things interesting.

11. If there was a zombie apocalypse, what would you do?

Girls love a guy who can make them laugh. This question will tell you if your girl likes to be the hero of the hour or the damsel in distress. One of the best questions to ask a girl indeed, you could be discussing this one for a long time. Put on your thinking cap and prepare for a zombie attack over text.

12. What is the weirdest dream you ever had?

This is one of the fun questions to ask a girl. Her answer could be literally anything from an animated, candy wonderland to dreams about the apocalypse. Maybe even something sad or scary that will give you a hint about her biggest fear

13.  Are you a dog person or a cat person?

This is a cute question to ask a girl but important nonetheless. If you are an animal lover or stay away from animals in general then you need this to know about her, in case you are planning a future with her.

14. Do you easily accept compliments or do you hate compliments?

This is one of the interesting questions to ask your girlfriend. If she is good with compliments then you can proceed to ask her the best compliment she ever received in her life. That will tell you how she wants to be seen. But if she doesn’t like compliments, then now you have a new way of torturing her.

15. Do you snore?

Sounds like a weird question to ask a girl, but it is fun. She might not be very forthcoming about it, But if she does tell you then you know she feels comfortable with you. Also, you will find out whether you need to invest in earplugs or not.

16. What would you consider an ideal date?

This is certainly one cute question to ask a girl. This will tell you how she likes spending time with a loved one. And it will give you plenty of ideas to surprise her with romantic gestures in the future.

17. Surprises: Like them or hate them?

There are some people who do not like surprises. For example, Sheldon Cooper hates surprise parties. Some won’t tell you to your face but sneaky go behind your back and exchange the gift you sent them. But there are people who loved to be surprised and they are happy even if you randomly get them their favourite flower. It’s one of the important questions you should ask your girlfriend.

18. What is the most insane reason one of your friends picked a fight with you?

Nothing forges bonds like bitching sessions about ex-friends. Or even telling funny and crazy stories about your current ones. The best questions to ask a girl are those that make her really open up to you. And this surely will. This question is bound to have you both texting for hours, swapping stories. Get ready to be shocked by some insane drama or laugh your pants off at a hilarious story.

19. If you ever won a beauty pageant/best actress award, what would your speech be?

Almost everyone imagines themselves winning one of these awards. This question will probably make her nostalgic about her childhood when she indulged in these fantasies. You might get some really hilarious answers to this question. She might come up with an interesting, out-of-the-box speech which would give you an insight into who she is. Such impressive questions to ask your girl on chat will definitely make you understand her much better as a person.

20. What would you do if a guy cancels a date?

She could say that a guy cancelling a date is okay if he has a valid reason. But if he keeps cancelling and then keeps coming up with excuses she could tell you she wouldn’t like that. You would get an idea of the exact things that you could end up doing that would piss her off. So now you know what not to do around her!

Deep Questions To Ask Your Girlfriend

These thought-provoking questions are meant to make your girl think. Deep and meaningful conversations help build a stronger connection.

21. What was the worst date you have ever been on?

We all have some amazing tales where this question comes into the picture. But pray to God she doesn’t describe the current date.

22. What places do you like to go to when you want to be alone?

You can really get to know a girl through the kind of place that gives her comfort. She could be the kind of girl who likes to go to a secluded place and spend her time alone or someone who prefers to mingle with a crowd and forget about what’s bothering her. Knowing her preferences will certainly give you an insight into the kind of person she is. Or she could tell you about the hiking trail she wants to hit alone.

23. If you had a time machine, what incident of your life would you like to revisit?

Need an interesting question to ask a girl? This is a genius way to have her tell you her fondest memory; one that she would like to relive, or her most embarrassing moment that she would like to change! Either way, it will be a memory that has had a great impact on her. You will get to know a lot about her from this answer. Or she might tell you about a sad memory that she wants to revisit and change.

24. What is the weirdest thing about your family?

This is a serious question to ask a girl. No family is perfect. You always have weird traditions or relatives that will either make you cringe or give you the giggles and laugh your heart out. We are sure she has a million such weird stories up her sleeve too. This is one of the best questions you can ask a girl over text. Her excitement while telling you about her childhood memories or stories about family gatherings, will be palpable. Also, knowing her family dynamics will tell you a lot about a girl.

25. Do you think we are happy from within? If not, then why?

What to ask a girl to know her on the inside? This is another one of those deep questions that you can ask a girl. This serious question is quite subjective and philosophical in nature. Her answer to this will let you know a lot about her perspective on life and happiness. It will allow you to have a mature conversation that lets you go beyond the usual banter.

26. What is the one question you wish people stopped asking you?

There are a few typical questions that everyone keeps asking you and you’re tired of answering. The questions are very generic ones like why are you so thin or fat, or what your name means, or when do you plan to get married etc. This will let you know what topic not to pick up if you are looking for a serious relationship.

27. If you had to trade lives with someone for a day, who would it be?

At some point in our lives, we have always imagined ourselves living the life of another person for a day. She will probably give you the name of someone who inspires her to the core. You could get an interesting answer, and learn something absolutely new which will help you get to know her better.

28. What is the one thing you’re most passionate about?

You can get to know if she cares about the environment, animals, social causes, or making her career. This will give you a great acumen of the kind of person she is. Also, if you share passions, you can talk about them for days on end! Could she be your soulmate or is it just infatuation? You will have the answer. If you haven’t already asked her this, what are you waiting for? If you want to get to know about a girl, ask her about the things she’s passionate about, and what her driving forces are!

29. What is something that others find weird but you don’t?

Pondering questions to ask a girl to know her better? Then run with this. You tend to bond faster with someone by knowing their weird habits. If you’re lucky, you might share the same type of weird habits. If this is the case, you have found your match!

30. Do you want things to be in control or are you okay going with the flow?

This question will help you understand if control works for her and if she wants everything her way or if she is cool with things being a bit messy, going a bit haywire and she believes in taking each day as it comes. This is a great question to ask a girl to understand her character better if you are looking for a serious relationship.

Important Questions To Ask Your Girlfriend

Dating is the process of getting to know a person. While it takes a lifetime to know a person but you still manage to discover something new about them anyway. There are some things that you should find out early on in a relationship.

31. What’s her opinion about a long-distance relationship?

This is one of the important questions to ask your girlfriend. If she tells you that a long-distance relationship works for her because she believes love has nothing to do with distance, then you know where you stand. But she could also tell you a long-distance relationship doesn’t work out for her and it inevitably ends. You would know that if you have to shift towns for your career whether she would wait for you or move on. With these interesting questions to ask a girl over text, you will get a hint of what you should expect from her in a relationship.

32. What would you do if your marriage becomes a loveless one?

She might tell you she would try to find a way out of her loveless marriage, or that she would try to stay on and bring back the love. But what kind of person is she and why would she choose the way she does? This gives you an idea of how practical, romantic or objective she is and if that’s a trait you like in her or not. Another one of those essential questions to ask your girlfriend.

33. What would you do if your parents are against your love marriage?

She might tell you that she would try to convince them about her love without hurting them, or she could tell you she wouldn’t take the trouble to do so and go for an arranged marriage fixed by them. Or her answer could be that she wouldn’t go into any trouble and just elope with her love. Well! You should best be prepared then.

34. How would you react to cheating?

What to ask a girl to know her and how she is in relationships? She could just tell you it is possible to love someone else while being happily married or she could tell you that she would be devastated if her partner cheats.

35. What would you do if you have a manipulative mother-in-law?

How would she deal with a scheming mother-in-law? Would she be manipulative too, or would she just ignore her, or would she try to charm her? This would tell you a lot about how she believes in tackling difficult relationships.This would also give you an idea of how she would gel with your mom in case your relationship goes to the next level.

36. What would you do if your ex contacted you?

She could say she would just ignore her ex if he contacts her years later. Or she could tell you that she is already in touch with her ex and she is great friends with him. This is one of the most important questions to ask your girlfriend.

37. What is your take on having kids?

These days having children is not something that all couples are keen on doing. People’s mindsets are changing and many couples choose not to follow the tradition of having a child before you hit your 30s. Casually, you might bring this question up to see if she has thought about kids or not. If you are dating for marriage or are serious about being with this girl, then these are the questions to ask your girlfriend to know if your goals align or not.

38. Who are the top three people in your life whom you cannot live without?

The people we love majorly determine who we are as people too. To really get an insight into who she is, you must know who are the people she cares about the most. Is it mostly her family or her friends or is she super close to her co-workers? This is one of those impressive questions to ask a girl on chat when you’re texting her late at night.

39. Do you have any angry or scary exes?

One of the questions you need for your girlfriend is that whether she has a crazy ex in case you need to protect her or even yourself. This is one of the best relationship questions to ask a girl when you definitely see a future with her. If you like her a lot and do see a future with her, then you definitely want to know if there’s a guy from her past relationships you should know about.

40. What does forever mean to you in a relationship?

This is one of the most romantic questions of questions to ask your girlfriend. Is she the kind who will stick around even if a relationship gets toxic? An important question indeed.

41. Which is your favorite travel destination?

Is she a girl who wants to go hiking up in the cold mountains or does she see herself drinking a martini on the beach? Does she prefer cozy, small towns to spend holidays in, or does the big city madness excite her? These are questions to ask a girl over text in order to understand how she enjoys life. Is she chasing comfort or a rush? Either way, you now know what kind of places make her heart happy.

42. The world would be a better place with more…

Need the best questions to ask a girl? Then use a little twist and ask her to complete the above sentence for you. If she says dogs, who can blame her? That would probably solve all our problems. But on a serious note, this way you will know what she really thinks and how she perceives the world around us.

Dirty Questions To Ask A Girl

Ask your girl these questions when things are beginning to heat up..

41. What is your darkest fantasy?

It might take a while for her to respond to this. Keeping secrets is easy at times, but it is not always that easy to be vulnerable. But if she does tell you her darkest fantasy, then she really trusts you.

42. What is your idea of a perfect kiss?

If you guys have not kissed yet, then take notes. This is a cool way to make sure you have an amazing first kiss.

43. What is your opinion on PDA?

Some people are too shy and some people get a little kick out of it. It’s good to find it out early on.

44. What is your opinion on BDSM?

It’s one of the dirty questions to ask your girlfriend to know if she likes being tied up or if would she like to tie you up.

Questions To Ask Your Girlfriend About Yourself

These are questions that will help you understand what you mean to her.

45. What was the first thing you thought when you saw me for the first time?

Get ready to be showered with compliments! Or maybe not.

46. What do you find the most attractive thing about me?

Here’s hoping you can take compliments, otherwise she is going to have a lot of fun teasing you till the end of time.

47. What do you think is my love language?

According to a study conducted most people don’t share the same love language. Love language is how one wants to be loved. It is important for both the people involved in the relationship to be aware of each other’s love language.

48. What do you think I should work on in this relationship?

Growing together is the best part of a relationship.

49. What is my comfort food?

When we get sick the thing we crave the most is our comfort food. It is good to know each other’s comfort food.

50. What helps me destress the most?

Just like comfort food, a couple should know what cheers each other up even on the worst of days.

51. What scares me the most?

Sometimes you to need to save a man from cockroaches.

How Hard Is It To Know A Girl?

Not everyone is an open book. People, especially girls, like to put their guard up until they know they can trust a person. They only open up once they know about the intentions of the other person. Once she’s comfortable around you, she will slowly start opening up to you. When this happens, it gives you the opportunity to ask her deep questions over text to get to know her better. However, it is still wise to not assume that you know her completely. There are several layers to a girl’s thoughts and she might not share all of them with you. These 51 questions will help you get to know the girl of your dreams on a deeper level. These questions will also help you both bond; through serious conversation and lighter ones that might just make her smile in a way that lights up her eyes. Always remember, the intention is to get to know the girl in a way that no one does. We are giving you some interesting questions to ask a girl to serve the purpose of getting to know her better. These aren’t just questions to ask a girl, but your ticket to stand out in a crowd. Girls like people who take a keen interest in them and surprise them by thinking out of the box. Be out of the ordinary so she remembers you. Don’t forget to ask her follow-up questions so that you keep the conversation flowing and easygoing. She will appreciate your interest in her and you will immediately come to her mind when she comes across something that reminds you of a conversation you both had.

       51 Interesting Questions To Ask A Girl And Know Her Better  - 33       51 Interesting Questions To Ask A Girl And Know Her Better  - 80       51 Interesting Questions To Ask A Girl And Know Her Better  - 86       51 Interesting Questions To Ask A Girl And Know Her Better  - 83       51 Interesting Questions To Ask A Girl And Know Her Better  - 69