One of the most detrimental impacts of the advent of worldwide web connectivity and social media is cyberstalking. Cyberstalking is a very common phenomenon that is plaguing our society these days. Most women in modern society can undoubtedly vouch for the fact that although social media can increase connectivity and is making people well-informed and aware of issues in our life, there are negatives too. Cyberstalking is one of those. In case you want to know how to prevent cyberstalking from happening to you, and how do you protect yourself from cyberstalkers in case it does happen, this is a MUST-READ article for you.

What Is Cyberstalking?

The Cyberstalking meaning covers a whole range of crimes. It generally refers to the usage of the Internet or other media to stalk and harass an individual online which may even go to the extent of asking for or forcefully demanding sexual solicitation, accusing someone falsely of doing something or getting involved in something, theft of one’s identity, gathering personal information and data which many people choose to make open/public on social media these days (the task is quite easy with unlimited WiFi and Internet usage in homes these days) is followed by attempts at defamation, online harassment or putting out threats towards an organization. Continuous monitoring of an individual, group or an organization is also one of the ways in which cyberstalking may happen.At times, in more severe cases, cyberstalking extends to offline or real-life stalking.The stalkers are usually driven by a desire to control, dominate and embarrass their victim. A stalker may be a complete stranger with a disturbed psyche, an ex lover/partner, or even a rival in the corporate world.Even popular celebrities are not safe from stalking, including all types of cyberstalking, trolling and even real-time stalking with multiple instances coming to public. Gender-based stalking is very common, with a large majority of the victims being female.

What Is Considered Being Cyberstalked?

Online harassment, cyber abuse or cyber bullying refers to one or many of the following instances:

Impact Of Cyberstalking On The Victim

Surveys conducted over the past decade has consistently proven one thing very clearly: people who are being cyberstalked, often experience more fear and negative emotions compared to victims of stalking in real life, because sometimes the attack might be coming from a stranger, who is hiding his/her identity in the dark. With the web spreading its area of control almost in all walks of life and becoming a rather indispensable resource for all of us, there is a downside to all this accessibility because sensitive data, personal and private data is at a much greater risk than it used to be even a few decades back. A victim of cyberstalking can exhibit symptoms of anxiety, fear and even trauma including borderline PTSD symptoms. These, in severe cases can torment a victim for several years before they can return to their usual state of being again. Many completely cut themselves off from social media and even most forms of social interaction in real life. A general feeling of intimidation clouds their better judgment, moreover they constantly fear being cyberbullied and abused online, be it a person they knew from before and are not presently in good terms with, or a complete stranger who is on a quest of getting his way with them. In the US, one out of every 12 women (8.2 million) have been stalked at some time in their lives.

How Can Cyberstalking Be Prevented?

An ex lover/partner is often a common threat for cyberstalking, more so when they are toxic/abusive towards you in any way and quite reasonably, you guys have had a bad break up. This can lead to being cyber stalked by an ex lover who is out to get you. They can look for ways to harass you or embarrass you in turn, ruin your public image in front of your friends, acquaintances and other people with whom you are connected on social media. Wondering how to deal with cyberstalking? We give you the following pointers to cautious.

How do you protect yourself from cyberstalkers?

How To Report Cyberstalking?

In the US, the FBI is primary when it comes to how to report cyberstalking. You can read more about the same in details, here. Cyber stalking awareness is important to keep yourself protected in the future and know the signs of what is cyberstalking so that one can identify if a crime is being committed against themselves.

How To Provide Help For A Victim Of Cyberstalking?

Stalking and bullying on social media and the internet can have long-term health effects on an individual, as discussed previously. Proper help can be taken, with guidance from a mental health expert who is working as a professional to get out of the trauma of cyberbullying. Legal protection can also be offered as discussed above. How to stop cyberstalking comes from not only reporting such instances but also creating a better environment for the victims of the same. Cyber stalking awareness should also be taken up in schools and universities so people can be more conscious of the same.

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