But this possibility can leave you feeling conflicted and raise a host of questions. How to tell if a married woman is in love with you? What are the signs that a married woman is attracted to you? How do you differentiate between friendliness and attraction? And most importantly, what should you do in such a situation? If you have such a woman in your life and are confused about what she feels for you, learning to read between the lines may help put your dilemma to rest. Let’s decode the signs an older married woman likes you and track down what attracts a married woman to another person!

How To Know If A Married Woman Likes You More Than A Friend?

A coworker, an old flame, a friend’s wife, a friend – married women can become a part of your social life or even your inner circle in myriad ways. Sometimes, you hit it off with each other and a surprising comfort level and chemistry take hold. But are you sure that this connection between you two is platonic? Do you get a vibe from her that suggests that she may like you more than a friend? Perhaps you too are excited about having her around. She is beautiful, funny, and there is no way you couldn’t have noticed how she laughs. And when you are around, you might have caught her blushing. Can this mean that this married woman has a crush on you? But then you realize, “She is married.” She has a spouse by her side and yet you feel she is gravitating toward you. Perhaps it’s just your own attraction, or perhaps that is how it really is. Have you found yourself wondering why a married woman likes another person? Don’t just brush aside this feeling that a married woman likes you more than a friend. If your gut tells you there is a palpable undercurrent to this connection, pay attention to these subtle female signs of attraction and desire:

She may touch her neck or play with her hair to draw your attention to herAn arched back is a classic body language sign of attraction in womenShe’d lean in while talking to youShe’ll look for excuses to make physical contact – high fives, pat on the back, ruffling your hair – are signs a married woman is interested in youSexual, lustful looks are a tell-tale sign that she wants to be more than friendsLooking for excuses to talk to you also indicates a desire for more than just friendship. You may catch her staring at you unwittinglyShe will laugh and blush a lot around youShe may tease youThe sound of her voice becomes more sensual when you’re alone with herYou have her undivided attention and she notices little things about you

15 Ways To Tell If A Married Woman Is In Love With You

Attraction outside of marriage is common, and often fleeting. But sometimes the feelings a married woman has toward you can grow more intense. Maybe you share a deep connection, maybe you offer her something that she finds lacking in her marriage, maybe her spouse proves to be inadequate in sustaining a happy and healthy bond, or maybe just because she couldn’t help herself. She may even fall in love with you. So, how to tell if a married woman wants to cheat with you? Even if you pick up on subtle hints, being certain that a married woman loves you can still be hard. It’s only natural to feel scared that you may have read her wrong. The thought that you may jeopardize a good friendship by acting on a hunch is also justified. Whether you want to take things forward or take a step back, it is vital to get to the root of her feelings for you. These 15 tell-tale signs that a married woman is in love with you will help you solve the puzzle:

1. She finds reasons to be near you

One of the married woman flirting signs is that she savors every moment of being in your presence. Whether a married woman likes you at work or a married friend is falling for you, she’d invariably want to be close to you. Given her feelings for you, it’s obvious that she enjoys being with you. You make her feel comfortable, desired, and appreciated and this is what she is seeking. And this is even easier for her if she is your colleague. One of the signs a married woman coworker is attracted to you is her consistent presence around you. She will do everything in her power to hang around you as often as possible. Be it following you to the open bar at a party or asking for your help on a project or assignment, she will come up with reasons to increase her interactions with you.

2. She makes an effort to see you

How to know if a married woman likes you but is hiding it? Not only does she want to make the most of the time that you have together but also goes above and beyond to be near you. If you take a sick day at work, she will drop by at your place in the evening with soup. She will offer to drop you home after a party, even if it means taking a long detour. She would be keen to see you, and you would be able to see the effort she makes. Does she often ask you to accompany her on a shopping trip to the mall or invite you to lunch or coffee? This extra effort is a clear sign that a married woman is interested in you, and that interest goes well beyond fleeting attraction.

3. If a married woman is flirting with you, it’s a clear sign

If you notice that a married woman is flirting with you unabashedly, there is little doubt left that she wants your relationship to develop into something more. This can be subtle flirting with her eyes like an eye wink, or whispering something in your ear in a sultry tone. Biting her lips, playing with her hair, pulling you close, and making lingering physical contact are all signs a married woman is attracted to you. Or she may be more forthright in her overtures – cracking dirty jokes, suggesting intimate encounters, sending your loaded text messages, or even naughty pictures. If it has come to that, you can be sure that this woman has very strong feelings for you.

4. A tinge of jealousy says a married woman loves you

Even though she is married, she will feel jealous about your romantic/sexual exploits. A married woman who has a crush on you would not be happy about you getting close to someone else. She may see you laughing with another coworker and instantly walk over to see what you’re talking about. Or she finds out that you have a Tinder profile and you can sense of hint of jealousy in her reactions toward the women you have been interacting with. If seeing you with another woman gets her all riled up, the writing is on the wall. Her feelings for you make her want you all to herself.

5. Her behavior around you has changed

If you and this woman have known each other for a long time, you will notice a distinct change in the way she behaves around you. She is married and all, but suddenly you find her more caring toward you. Let’s say, you have been friends who used to chill at each other’s place in your sweats and PJs. But of late, you have been noticing that she makes an effort to dress up to meet you. This change of behavior suggests that she wants you to see her in a different light because of her changing feelings for you. A married woman who likes you would want you to notice her, and she would try to impress you.

6. The nurturing instinct kicks in

The caring instinct will naturally kick in when someone harbors true feelings of love and affection toward another person. Let’s say, this married woman in your life visits your home and starts chiding you for your refrigerator being stocked up with unhealthy, packaged food. The next thing you know, she has spent an entire Sunday afternoon making lasagna for you just because you mentioned in passing that you like it. Of course, she does it on the pretext of being a good friend who doesn’t want you to die of blocked arteries. But the real reason she is putting in all that effort is her love for you. It’s not that hard decoding a married woman has feelings for you – you just need to notice these small things she does for you.

7. She wants to know all about your life

Let’s say she is a coworker you share a casual friendship with or a friend’s wife you are on cordial terms with. You both have socialized and hung out together before but the conversation has largely been generic. When she tries to change that dynamic into something more intimate, it’s one of the signs a married woman likes you more than a friend. If suddenly, she starts asking a lot of questions about your family, your childhood, your hobbies, likes, dislikes, how you spend your free time, your past relationships, and plans for the future, you can be certain that this married woman is in love with you. All these conversations are her way of developing a meaningful connection. Why else would a married woman show so much interest in your life? There is no explanation, except this married woman is falling for you.

8. She discusses her marriage with you

Every marriage has its share of problems, irritants, and not-so-pleasant aspects. But women generally prefer not to discuss these relationship problems openly, except with their closest people. If a woman has started opening up with you about her marital issues and liabilities, you no longer have to mull over how to tell if a married woman is in love with you. The fact that she is sharing her deepest insecurities and problems with you is a sign of how much she has come to value you. She is looking for someone more than a friend in you, and the fact that you are getting bothered by her bad marriage is an indication there is some chemistry there. It’s also her way to let you know that there is a possibility of something more between you two. All is not well in her paradise. She seeks something that her marriage is lacking. To her, you’re the person who can give it to her.

9. Her texts to you are suggestive

You can tell whether a married woman likes you through the texts she sends you. To begin with, if you aren’t particularly close and she starts texting you just to chat or ask what you’re up to, take note. There’s the first of many signs a married woman wants you to make a move over text. She may also send you good night and morning messages. It’s her way of telling you that you’re the last and first thing on her mind every day. If you indulge her, you may soon start receiving flirtatious messages and naughty pictures from her. She may send you a dirty joke and then delete it saying she sent it to you by mistake. This is also one of the tell-tale signs a married woman wants you to make a move.

10. A married woman attracted to you will talk about intimacy

How to know if a married woman is attracted to you sexually? When a married woman wants to sleep with you, you will find her adding erotic innuendos to every conversation. She may ask you about your experiences in the sack or share hers. Or she may crack dirty jokes with you. If you’re close or she finds you reciprocating, she may even start discussing fantasies with you. She may tell you how she imagines to be loved and where she would want to have a romantic encounter, painting a vivid picture that builds up your desire to be with her. This way, she gauges your fantasies and if things do happen, she knows exactly how to go about them.

11. You see her seductive side

Seductive overtures are another way you can tell that a married woman wants to sleep with you. She may give you lustful “I want you” looks. May touch you in ways that get you all tingly and excited. For instance, rubbing your neck and shoulders on the pretext that you look tired after a long day. Or brushing her body against yours during a casual dance, away from the stares of people. Accidental touches here and there? A concrete sign a married woman wants you badly. You may even notice that she dresses up more sensuously, especially when there is a possibility of her being alone with you. Well, that says it all.

12. She keeps track of your love life

If you’re dating someone else, she talks to you about your relationship often. And may even make subtle attempts to find out if there are any problems between you and your partner. As an ‘experienced’ friend and confidante, she will generously offer her advice. Pay attention, and you will notice that this advice is often about prioritizing yourself over a relationship. She disapproves of you making any adjustments or compromises in the relationship because her hopes are pinned on having you all to herself. If you’re single, she asks you about any love interests and keeps close tabs on how your dates go. You may even find her discouraging you from going on a second date with someone or asking you to turn down a potential match because she doesn’t think they are right for you.

13. She jokes about being with you

You can tell that a married woman is in love with you if she tries to gauge your reaction to the possibility of you being together in hypotheticals and jokes. Did she ever tell you that she’d have married you, had you met her earlier? There is no doubt that this married woman is in love with you. She tells you that she has feelings for you and then brushes it off as a joke. She may say that she dreamed about you and her on an exotic beach holiday. Or ask you if you’ve wondered what being with her would feel like. There can be two reasons behind this – either she is trying to assess how you feel before expressing her feelings for you, or it is one of the signs a married woman wants you to make a move.

14. When a married woman says she misses you

When a married woman says she misses you, there is little doubt left about her feelings for you. Let’s say, she hasn’t been able to see you or speak to you for some days owing to family commitments, work pressure, or your unavailability. When you do speak to her or see her next, she impulsively blurts out that she has missed you sorely. It is clear as day that you’re important to her and she values your companionship. Her days are not complete without talking to you. Signs a married woman is attracted to you are all over the place when your absence bothers her.

15. Series of lies told to her husband

You will notice the signs of a married woman in love with another man when she lies to her spouse about her whereabouts, especially if she is with this mystery man. Frank, a reader from Nigeria, has been observing for quite some time now that whenever he is out with his friend Elsie, she makes up new cover-up stories to feed her husband. It’s either “Honey, I am at Sophie’s. It will get late tonight, so I may stay back” or “I came for a team lunch and we are stuck here in a long queue”. She would probably have been upfront with him if it was just another colleague or a friend. But since it’s Frank, she doesn’t want to draw her husband’s attention and invite further suspicion.

16. Long, secretive phone calls

Another tell-tale sign that a married woman is in love with you is her desire to stay engaged in a conversation with you. To make this happen, she won’t even mind sneaking out of her bedroom and talking to you secretively, often in hushed tones. She looks forward to it because it gives her a rush and excitement that she probably hasn’t experienced in a long time. You can sense how important these calls become to her by the disappointment in her voice if you tell her that you’re unavailable for some reason.

17. She fishes for compliments

She is beautiful – with or without makeup on, even in her baggy shirts and trousers – there’s no doubt about that. But how to know if a married woman is attracted to you sexually? She will put a little too much effort into her appearance just to get that “Daammnn!” out of you. It will render you speechless to see her in a plunging neckline or wearing a seductive perfume. And that was exactly her intention – to hypnotize you in such a way, your eyes get fixed on her for the rest of the evening. You can’t help showering her with compliments, can you?

18. She remembers every little detail

Here is another one of the signs a married woman likes you more than a friend – she can read you like the palm of her hand. She knows your guilty pleasure food is Doritos, she teases you because you cried three times watching Toy Story 3, and she even brings you corndogs on the days your favorite baseball team is playing. As magical as it sounds, do you ever wonder how she can manage to remember all about your preferences? Because she truly listens; she pays the last bit of her attention when you are speaking to her. When a married woman stares at you during a conversation, it’s not only a sign of attraction. Rather, it’s a thoughtful gesture that she pays heed to what’s important for you and cares enough to show that through her actions.

19. You will notice a change in her voice

How to know if a married woman likes you but is hiding it? Well, she may not be so explicit about her feelings but you can totally assess that from the modification in her voice. In fact, it will be a different tone and pitch in different scenarios. For instance, when you have company, she would take a casual conversational tone, a bit playful maybe. But the moment you two are all alone, it might turn into a deep and seductive voice. There’s your cue that she is crazy about you. Catch on!

20. Your sense of humor is a big hit with her

Hey, are you really that hilarious or she just can’t hold her laughter to be extra nice to you? Tell me if this happened when you are with a few other friends – you crack a super corny joke and then there is that awkward moment when the laughter stops and she is still giggling. Don’t mistake yourself to be the next Robin Williams. Jokes apart, it’s one of the married woman flirting signs if she always creates a fuss about your lame jokes because her mood is automatically uplifted in your presence. Now that you know how to tell if a married woman is in love with you, the next step is to decide what you want to do about her feelings. If you feel the same way too, the temptation to take your relationship to the next level can be compelling. But be warned that an extramarital affair with a woman can get messy quickly. You risk hurting a lot of people in the process. Often, the lover is the one that gets left behind. While the choice is ultimately yours, you must weigh the pros and cons before making your next move.

Is A Married Woman Attracted To You  Find Out With These 15 Signs - 77Is A Married Woman Attracted To You  Find Out With These 15 Signs - 53Is A Married Woman Attracted To You  Find Out With These 15 Signs - 1Is A Married Woman Attracted To You  Find Out With These 15 Signs - 30