4 Stages Of The War Zone Called Marriage

You think the way your partner eats hot chocolate fudge is adorable? The part where he leaves a bit of chocolate on his chin…Give it two years. You will want to rip his head off when you see that brown stain on his chin again. And if he thinks that the way you talk constantly makes you chirpy and Hindi film heroinesque, trust me, he will want to throw that television remote at your head next time you want to talk to him in the middle of the Indo-Pak series about how he has stopped loving you....

December 6, 2022 · 4 min · 703 words · Levi Hill

5 Confessions Of People Who Had Revenge Sex

Revenge sex to get over someone can often turn ugly Though it teases the flesh, it is not always the moral high ground to take as adults. Revenge sex is seldom an act of emotions; you do it because you want our ex to know you can do and also show them what they have lost. Revenge sex is not just with exes. If you like someone but they hurt your feelings some way or the other, instead of talking it out, you become mean, have sex with them and then walk away, leaving them to feel miserable....

December 6, 2022 · 4 min · 695 words · Ryan Cole

5 Things To Analyze In Your First Date S Body Language

Sure, what a person is saying is a great indicator of how they feel (unless they’re politicians), but if you want to make sure you know how your date is going, the first date body language signs are all you’ll need. In this article, dating coach Geetarsh Kaur, founder of The Skill School which specializes in building stronger relationships, talks about how you can catch the signs that a first date went well by just noticing their body language....

December 6, 2022 · 5 min · 947 words · Edward Boyd

5 Ways Drug Addiction Affects Relationships

A person struggling with addictions struggles to foster respect, trust, honesty – all of which are the cornerstones of a well-rounded relationship. An addict’s prime focus in life becomes figuring out where and how to get their next fix. Naturally, this leads to feelings of anger, resentment, hurt and betrayal. The addiction corrodes the foundations of trust in a relationship; the addict’s partner experiences physical and emotional burnout. It is very important to have conversations surrounding drug addiction in relationships....

December 6, 2022 · 9 min · 1904 words · Marc Endo

6 Rashis Star Signs With The Worst Temper

Everyone gets angry, even the Dalai Lama does. In an interview he had said, “You never stop getting angry about small things. In my case, it’s when my staff do something carelessly, then my voice goes high. But after a few minutes, it passes.” But that is the difference, for some people anger isn’t a fleeting emotion. The most hot tempered Zodiac signs have to show their anger and it does often get scary when they are angry....

December 6, 2022 · 7 min · 1335 words · Ursula Schrecongost

7 Signs You Have A Verbally Abusive Wife And 6 Things You Can Do About It

A study found that psychological aggression by an intimate partner was reported by 48.4% of women and 48.8% of men across the USA. This included expressive aggression such as name-calling, and coercive control such as isolation tactics or threats of harm. Since verbal and/or psychological abuse is more covert, it’s tough to acknowledge that you are in such a relationship, and far easier to brush it off as regular conflict....

December 6, 2022 · 13 min · 2574 words · Eddie Bedwell

7 Ways Fighting In A Relationship Sustains It

The subject at hand is vast and multifaceted. We are exploring it with the guidance of psychotherapist Snigdha Mishra (CBT & REBT expert from Beck Institute, Philadelphia), who specializes in hypnotherapy and emotional freedom therapy. There are no uniform answers to any questions, for love and relationships are a highly subjective business. What we can do, however, is understand the red flags which are not acceptable in any circumstances. We can grasp the intricacies of trust and communication to strengthen our equations....

December 6, 2022 · 9 min · 1822 words · Julie Gonzalez

7 Zodiac Signs That Are Known To Be Master Manipulators

These master manipulators have a way of stringing people along in a direction of their choosing, and the person at the receiving end wouldn’t even realize they’re being subjected to classic manipulation for a long time. Naturally, being around such people can be quite an emotionally draining experience if you don’t learn how to spot and maneuver around their manipulative ways. To be able to do that, you need to know the most manipulative zodiac signs....

December 6, 2022 · 8 min · 1508 words · Edward Evans

8 Expert Backed Strategies To Handle Rejection From A Guy

But how to deal with rejection from a guy, especially when it’s a bolt from the blue? What do you do when you are handed a plain and polite “No” when you had expected an excited and joyous “Yes” from the person you had been not-so-secretly crushing on? Romantic rejection depression can hit you hard in such situations. Handling rejection from a guy can be really hard for a lot of people....

December 6, 2022 · 15 min · 3010 words · Barry Clapp

8 Things That Ruin Relationships And You Don T Even Realise It

So when you even don’t need to initiate romance, just try not to spoil the moment by doing the following. Maybe your reactions are not intentional, but each time you do these you break your partner’s heart. All you need to do instead is go with the flow and enjoy being pampered. Think you can manage that? 8 Things That Ruin Relationships You could be ruining the romance in your relationship and destroying it completely with certain habits that migght look very innocuous from the outside but have an effect on the relationship....

December 6, 2022 · 5 min · 1063 words · James Russell

8 Tips On What To Say To End A Relationship

Since this isn’t a high-school assignment, putting it off till it blows in your face isn’t the smartest thing to do. It’s vital to understand what to say to end a relationship on good terms, and that ghosting your “partner” isn’t really the best tactic. Since you can’t take the “easy” way out without also being labeled the worst person in the world, you’ve got some thinking to do. Read on to find out what you can say, and the things you need to keep in mind while ripping this band-aid off....

December 6, 2022 · 11 min · 2181 words · Lisa Foster

8 Ways To Cultivate Emotional Safety In Your Relationship

No matter the relationship you are in, be it parent and child, siblings, or lovers, you want to be loved, understood, and accepted for who you are. If there is a lack of emotional safety in a relationship, then the quality of the connection deteriorates and can become very unhealthy. This can create a huge rift between the people involved and you might become estranged eventually. We see so many relationships end on account of one or both partners not feeling emotionally safe in the relationship....

December 6, 2022 · 9 min · 1871 words · Deborah Robb

9 Activities To Rebuild Trust In A Relationship As Recommended By A Couples Counselor

To rebuild trust in a relationship, you have to commit to taking conscious steps that reassure your partner that they can count on you. These steps don’t have to be life-altering changes, but small, everyday actions that reinstate their faith in you and your relationship. In this article, counseling psychologist Kavita Panyam (Masters in Psychology and international affiliate with the American Psychological Association), who has been helping couples work through their relationship issues for over two decades, writes for Bonobology about how to fix trust issues in relationships....

December 6, 2022 · 13 min · 2605 words · Renee Willard

9 Things About The Female Orgasm That You Didn T Know

Click here to read: How does a woman’s body change after losing her virginity? Remember these pointers for the best likelihood of making a woman orgasm. Orgasm is a mind thing. Orgasm is influenced by the ‘body’ as well as the ‘mind’ in women (as well as in men). On some occasions, your body might be involved, but your mind is absent. In other words, you might not always be as aroused and excited as at different times....

December 6, 2022 · 6 min · 1257 words · Justin Cox

9 Things Ghosting Says About You More Than The Person You Ghosted

Contrary to popular perception, it is definitely not ‘cool’ to ghost someone. It shows immaturity on part of the person who’s doing the ghosting. So if you are wondering, “Is ghosting a sign of immaturity?”, the answer is yes, it absolutely is. Let’s take the example of Keith; he was dating a girl for 5 months and then suddenly broke all contact one day. He did not give her the chance to gain closure....

December 6, 2022 · 10 min · 2024 words · Domingo Lewis

9 Tips To Stop Loving Someone Who Doesn T Love You

Such a complex and layered subject is best discussed with an experienced mental health professional who can be our friend and guide. Today we have Pragati Surekha, a licensed Clinical Psychologist and faculty member of Kornash: The Lifestyle Management School. Pragati has been working in mental health for the last fifteen years and specializes in individual counseling through emotional ability resources. She’s here to answer all your questions – How to stop loving someone who doesn’t love you back?...

December 6, 2022 · 12 min · 2530 words · Larry Wahl

Are We Together For Love Or Is This A Relationship Of Convenience

I know her inside out – her passions, likes and dislikes, her favorite color, when to shut up, when not to shut up, how to cheer her up, how not to piss her off, her need for reassurance, her stand on various topics, her goals and means she’d embrace to fulfill them, everything. I’ve dated her for so long, I could write a book on her. She loves me as much, or even more, but she doesn’t seem to know too much about ME....

December 6, 2022 · 5 min · 866 words · Patsy Sanchez

Breaking Up With The Love Of Your Life 11 Things You Should Consider

Maybe you’re in a shaky relationship and breaking up when you’re still in love with each other. Maybe you’re trying to get over a true love breakup and it’s just not happening, and you’re sitting around listening to songs about breaking up with the love of your life. (And there are too many of them!) Breakups of any kind are tough. Breaking up with your soulmate is possibly the most painful thing you’ll ever have to do....

December 6, 2022 · 14 min · 2863 words · Paula Gibson

Dating Apps Great To Find Real Fake People

Related reading: Kickass bride turns up at her wedding without makeup and jewellery! There are several dating apps (or e-Cupids) in the market. I’ve used this particular one which “lights a fire” of a tender love among its users. Let me repeat – it’s a dating app. What amuses me is that several people use it as a marriage bureau – confusing it with the we-will-get-you-married apps which act as matchmaker for those who can’t find love themselves (for whatever reasons)....

December 6, 2022 · 3 min · 569 words · Claude Sturm

Decorating Tips For Couples Moving In Together

Deciding what stays and what gets tossed out can quickly turn the fun and exciting transition of moving in together into a minefield of bickering and arguments. Not if you have some fun, quirky and engaging decorating tips up your sleeve that can make setting up your new home a breeze. Decorating Tips For Couples Moving In Together So, your SO asked, “Will you move in with me?” And you jumped in excitement and said yes....

December 6, 2022 · 4 min · 665 words · Joyce Dunn