Single Women Are Not Leading Their Lives Pining Away For A Man Author Of The Book Status Single

Author of the book Status Single, Sreemoyee Piu Kundu, speaks at length with Aarti Pathak about 21 percent of the Indian population – the single women. How many single women are there in India today? There are 74 million single women in India today. They comprise 21 percent of our population and are growing at the rate of 39 percent annually. These numbers include unmarried women, divorced, widowed, separated, LGBTQ, disabled and women abandoned with or without kids....

November 27, 2022 · 9 min · 1769 words · Stella Ybarra

10 Reasons Why Indian Couples Fight

Family-work adjustments, financial management, knowing when to spend time together and when to give spaces- are some of the issues that urban couples deal with, in their marital world, shares counsellor Gopa Khan. 1. Family: Indian couples primarily fight over each other’s extended family. In Indian joint family setups, the daughter-in-law is usually expected to live by the norms set by her in-laws and that is a major reason for differences cropping up between couples....

November 27, 2022 · 4 min · 681 words · Justin Howe

10 Things To Do When You Are Drifting Apart In Your Relationship

Something is definitely up. These ‘Me and my partner are drifting apart’ pangs can leave you feeling truly unsettled. Losing the romance, feeling disconnected from each other, being out with friends more than being with each other are just a few signs that you are drifting apart in the relationship. What Does It Mean To Be Drifting Apart In The Relationship? Like soda bottles fizzling out after the cap is opened....

November 27, 2022 · 8 min · 1692 words · Chris Finn

11 Things To Know When Dating A Firefighter

Firefighters will tell you that their work is almost as high-risk as anyone else’s for the most part. The danger element is amped up due to the media we watch. They are just another person at the end of the day and if you like them (even without the job title), then you should ask them out. 11 Things To Know When Dating A Firefighter Thanks to the media, many people think that the benefits of dating a fireman are living a glamorous life and having great sex....

November 27, 2022 · 9 min · 1869 words · Micah Berardi

11 Things You Should Know About Dating A Lawyer

What is it really like dating a lawyer? Those who have dated one say that while on one hand, you could be floored by their sense of humor and intelligence, on the other, they tend to be the over-analyzing kind. They can twist every scenario to make the scales tip in their favor and their need for “winning” an argument can be overwhelming. This is not to suggest that lawyers are undateable....

November 27, 2022 · 12 min · 2502 words · Rose Hurt

11 Ways To Remain Sane During A Divorce

When you handcraft a thing, there are dents and cracks, and sometimes, the thing crumbles. In the middle of our hardship, it’s hard to see that these things happen in all lives. No one escapes. Sometimes, you hammer it out and sometimes you glue it in. Sometimes, you start all over again with acceptance and patience. Steps to stay sane during a divorce Some things you need to keep in mind and need to follow in life to stay sane during a divorce....

November 27, 2022 · 4 min · 826 words · Derek Lewis

12 Signs Of Infatuation You Mistake For Love Again And Again

What is the difference between love and infatuation then? An infatuation relationship is characteristically short-lived, while love stands the test of time. Infatuation makes your heart race in the very beginning. It makes you impatient and numb to everything else in the world for the person you love. But love takes its own time to blossom. It doesn’t present itself as love in the very beginning, but there’s that one moment that catches you by surprise....

November 27, 2022 · 18 min · 3733 words · William Lowell

13 Clear Signs He Is Fighting His Feelings For You

Often our past experiences, inhibitions, fear of commitment, and attachment styles get in the way of love. Even if there are strong feelings on both sides, people involved in the equation can’t necessarily vocalize them effortlessly. You know what that means: being caught in an endless loop of guessing, “Is he avoiding his feelings for me?” If there is that special someone in your life who’s sending you all sorts of mixed signals, it’s time to look for the signs he has romantic feelings for you but is trying his best to rein them in....

November 27, 2022 · 16 min · 3282 words · Paul Moffitt

15 Signs You Are In A Mature Relationship

It is clear that maturity in relationships is an eventual outcome of passing successfully through various stages of a relationship. Cementing the foundation of love and romance is the skill to handle conflicts, being deft with the tools of communication, avoiding unrealistic expectations while being respectful to your partner, and valuing your relationship. To talk about this in detail, and to share with you a few signs that tell you if you are in an emotionally mature relationship, is our expert, psychologist Pragati Sureka (MA in Clinical Psychology, professional credits from Harvard Medical School), who specializes in addressing issues like anger management, parenting issues, and abusive and loveless marriage through emotional ability resources....

November 27, 2022 · 18 min · 3720 words · Evelyn Scott

15 Tips To Stay Calm And Cope When Your Friend Is Dating Your Ex

A friend dating an ex is surely not an easy thing to come to terms with. However, by letting it take a toll on your mind, you only make moving on harder for yourself. In such a situation, prioritizing your own well-being is the only way to not let the agony overwhelm you. Instead of getting depressed or lashing out in your anger, you must follow these tips, which will help you cope when your friend is dating your ex....

November 27, 2022 · 15 min · 3151 words · Vernon Przybylski

17 Signs There Is Someone Else In Your Partner S Life

You do this out of the basic human instinct of self-preservation. It is not easy dealing with the hunch that your partner may be cheating on you. This kind of intuition, much less discovery, is enough to affect your sense of identity and self-worth. A breach of trust, simply put, is hurtful and a direct attack on your self-esteem, and this discovery could be disorienting and shattering. According to a survey conducted by Health Testing Centres, 46% of the people in monogamous relationships confessed to having cheated on their partners....

November 27, 2022 · 17 min · 3436 words · Joanna Denman

20 Signs You Are Ready For An Exclusive Relationship

Is this guy/girl the right person for me?What if a better person is out there?Will he/she end up leaving me soon? If these dreadful questions are not bothering you and you are content with the way your relationship is being shaped then it means you are definitely ready to be exclusive. You are not afraid of serious commitment and are ready to give your best to the relationship you share with your partner....

November 27, 2022 · 12 min · 2525 words · Timothy Hale

21 Tips For Courting A Woman Being A True Gentleman

So, for all the lads who are looking for a woman to grow old with, let’s get right to it and define courting a woman. The art of courting a woman is the intention to build a relationship that leads to marriage. We all know that there are many fish in the sea to choose from but if you truly want something that lasts a lifetime, you need to do something that most guys out there aren’t....

November 27, 2022 · 11 min · 2234 words · Shelley Ross

5 Hacks To Find Out If Someone Has A Tinder Profile

A Tinder profile is almost too easy to have nowadays. Even if one does not want to use it seriously, people often set up accounts just so they can browse and be aware of all the prospects around town. Thus, not only does Tinder make dating easy, but it also makes cheating much more accessible. You will be surprised at the number of attached, committed or married people you will find on Tinder....

November 27, 2022 · 11 min · 2189 words · Todd Hagy

5 Ways Depression Affects And Destroys Relationships

This is how it can affect your relationship if you or your partner are depressed. 1. Sex is the first to go If an individual is struggling with depression, their libido takes a serious hit, be it the man or woman. This can be a very difficult situation for a couple, where the non-depressed partner is supportive and loving, and still being rejected when it comes to making love. For a non-depressed person, this rejection might be hard to accept or even understand, and might be mistaken for a personal insult....

November 27, 2022 · 2 min · 426 words · Sylvia Wallace

6 Reasons Why Being Single Is Better Than Being In A Relationship

Your friends in relationships will tell you all the mushy things about how great a relationship is. Spend a day or two with them, you’ll probably realize there’s a lot more dirty laundry than you expected there to be. And let’s not even get into comparing committed vs single people’s bank accounts. Whether you’ve been single for a while or you’re in a relationship and you’re starting to get sick of the “Are you ignoring me?...

November 27, 2022 · 6 min · 1268 words · Elinor Yates

6 Tips On How To Handle Interfering Mother In Law

Having an interfering mother-in-law really affects all aspects of your life without so much as a warning. My relationship and my mental health invariably started getting affected as well. Since my mother-in-law lived with us as well, it felt as though I never had any space to myself. My story is a classic example of meddling in-laws acting with impunity in their treatment of the daughter-in-law and not knowing where to draw the line in their involvement in a couple’s personal life....

November 27, 2022 · 8 min · 1687 words · Lauren Shirley

7 Stages Of Getting Back Together With An Ex

When the heartache and the sleepless nights get to be too much to handle, your aching heart may convince you to get back together with your ex. Putting aside the flood of questions and doubts that this decision brings with it, the stages of getting back together with an ex often prove to be tricky as well. A million questions come rushing to your mind, “Is getting back together after a breakup a good idea?...

November 27, 2022 · 12 min · 2553 words · Roger Russell

7 Zodiac Signs With Expensive Taste Who Love The High Life

Now, the zodiac signs with expensive taste do not mean they are compulsive shoppers or that their credit limit is always off the charts. They may or may not be able to afford them but exquisite things seem to be drawn toward them, or the other way around. This expensive taste can be for everything or a few specific things. Ranging from an affinity for expensive clothing to a certain wine brand, those expensive watches you’ll never wear, or those vintage sneakers....

November 27, 2022 · 8 min · 1552 words · Marcus Preston

8 Reasons Why Separate Bedrooms Are Good For Married Couples

The National Sleep Foundation reported in a 2005 survey found that 10% of married couples sleep in separate bedrooms and 25% sleep in separate beds. Among the famous couples who sleep in separate beds are Hollywood star Gwyneth Paltrow and her husband Brad Falchuk and Kevin Jonas And Danielle Deleasa (apparently Kevin snores too much). It is famously known Queen Elizabeth II And Prince Phillip also sleep in separate bedrooms (maybe just because they have too many master bedrooms at their disposal)....

November 27, 2022 · 6 min · 1070 words · Joyce Huston